god i want to eat more and more and more I want to never stop i am a rat morally.
Gluttony is okay becaus eI just graduated, a sin forgiven.
Specifically what is making me so sugar sucky is these stupid skittles gummies.
I will now attach an image.
honestly they arent amazing or anyhting they are kindof gross cause they have this residue but iits a residue for rats so I can have it
I need to stop eating it because its like almost a gram of sugar per gummy. but i cant stop?
maybe I need to intervene and convince my family to take me to taco bell soI can get a beefy melt burrito those are really good by the way
for the price they are incredible (depending on whether your local location are cash grabbing degenerates or not)
but ok now Im conflicted. THESE EXITST?
so how am i supposed to not want these?
the problem is that I have to internationally order them to the united states for like 20 dollars and pray they dont get stuck in mexico heat for a year,
so i cant have them essentailly. and im really frustrated bcause the render they put on the front looks sooooo good imagine a soft little skittle
gummy touchin ur lips itd be like the tip of a thing and itd be so good itd i want it.