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The Modern Valve

Okay hear me out

SO I was thinking, Valve kindof sucks now because they dont really do anything
but think about this.. What if Epic games is the modern valve.
ok thats a big thing to say but let me explain myself
Valve changed the game with a new engine, source was huge and it did a lot for all devs.
On top of that, the games they made fit the generation of game people (game players) that was around
at the time. BUT thats epic games right now, they took that spot.
Epic made unreal and unreal changing the wordl and they also made fortnite
so like. they are the modern version of valve and they also made epic games launcher
which sucks because it takes like ten milleniums to launch but at the same time they gave
all the bioshocks for free so I dont mind it I think its worth it also fortnite is life changing
I looove fortnite cause they have things like Carnage
but seriously valve gave up and is not revolutionizing the digital world anymore
they are slowly being taken by epic UNREAL UNREAL UNREAL UNREAL UNREAL UNREAL
I graduated today

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